More Jobs Gives Rise to More Screenings

For many employers in Michigan, both large and small, pre-employment screening has become an integral part of the hiring process.  If you have been looking for work in the last few years, you are likely familiar and may have even consented to a number of them.  As the Michigan job market continues to strengthen, and with many applicants vying for opportunities, background checks and employee screenings are also on the rise.

From Presidents and CEOs, to machine operators and janitors, your history on paper speaks volumes to a potential employer.  Even the smallest infraction or lapse in judgment from your past can be devastating and can cost you the position, regardless of your qualifications or experience.

So what are we screening for?

Well, any number of things.  First, an employer need to verify that you’re real.  This will start with a basic name, address and SSN check, likely followed by your driving record.  A few tickets here and there probably won’t hurt your chances for the position, but a few too many might raise some questions as to your ability to follow the rules.  Surely this is at the employer’s discretion, but it makes their decision-making process that much easier, especially when there are dozens of applicants.

Your criminal background, should one exist, will also be high on the list; perhaps the core of the screening process.  If you’ve been convicted of any crime, or incarcerated in any facility, an employer absolutely wants to know.  At the very least, an employer wants to verify that the previous employment and personal information you have provided to them is accurate.  If you begin the application process with a lie, chances are you won’t be receiving that offer letter.